simply human is the photography of François Struzik, a belgian photo-reporter.
“simply human because our differences are our wealth but our human essence is one.
In my simply human activities, I want to be close to the people I photograph. I want my photographs to show what we have in common.
Discovering religious minorities or showing human right’s violations towards women or children, understanding uncommon ways of life or pointing at harsh working conditions,...
My credo is to stand always on the human side."
Master in Slavic Languages and Literatures and in Political Sciences at the ULB (Brussels), he has also studied at Unywersytet Jagiellonski (Poland).
In 2005, he decided to dedicate himself to photography founding simply human - photography.
Working mainly on social and religious issues, he runs different personal projects: from Stocznia Gdanska (LEICA Belgium exhibition 2005) to State of shock (sorrow in Kashmir) or HavendoK (imaginary maritime city), boxing girls,...
He works currently on folk sufism throughout the Muslim world and on the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem.
He has started a more abstract work called Winterreise, a fictional territory based on meaningful landscapes photography.
IN 2024, He has started again a story on boxing girls, challenging gender stereotypes.
Having collaborated on a regular basis with international NGO’s, François has co-founded Image of Dignity, a non-profit organisation that brings together experienced creative professionals - photographers, journalist and film-makers - aiming to support humanitarian actions with their pictures.
In recent years, François has worked as a journalist and co-director of documentary films.
François has collaborated with NGO’s and agencies such as UNICEF, IOM, WFP, Plan International, 12-12, Terre des hommes, SOS Faim, Action Damien, TANF Ghana, NGO Photographers Alliance, COLEACP...
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